Fried Cauliflower Bites Recipe

Inji Avatar

What about an easy full of protine recipe for your snack ?

These bites are amazing i used to make it at college and they just take 10 minutes to make, also, it is easy and contains a good source of protein, magnesium, phosphorus, fiber and vitamin B6.


1 Small cauliflower
1 small onion
3 tbsp chopped parsley
2 tbsp all purpos flour
4 eggs
salt, black pepper, to taste

The way:

  • Grate the cauliflower with a hand grater.
  • Chopped parsley, Cut onion to a small dices.
  • In a large bowl beat the eggs, add the flour give a quick mix then add onion, parsley and Grated cauliflower.

  • Mix all together, season with salt and black pepper.
  • In a hot vegetable oil, place about one table spoon of the mixture.
  • Fry it until light golden color.
  • Get rid of excess oil by placing on kitchen paper towels.
  • Serve with ketchup.


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Hello! I’m Inji

a professional food photographer, youtuber, and baker. I’m dedicated to bringing you sweet, simple,and from-scratch dessert recipes. Look around for easy recipes, videos and food photos.