Eggless Strawberry Mousse

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This mousse taste heavenly i really enjoyed every spoon and just want to eat more and more. My dessert is so simple to make, you need simple ingrediants with step by step and you’ll be amazied of what you made.

Honestly, i never try to make the strawberry mousse and this is the first time i made it and i really love it more than the chocolate mousse even though i adore chocolate but this time i surprised of the incredable taste.
I like to decorate my dessert with nuts but this time i choose pistachio and the colour of strawberry and the green of pistachio give the final dessert a lovely harmony and best shape.

Strawberry Mousse Recipe

Serve: 3 persons

prep time: 20 mins


1 Cup whipped cream (room temperature)
100g white chocolate
1 cup frozen strawberries
1/4 cup sugar

The way:

– To make a srawberry sauce, place the frozen strawberries and sugar in a high heat for 10 minutes until thick liquid, let it cool at room temperature.
– Cut the chocolate into small peaces melt in microwave for 40 seconds, 20 seconds at a time stir until well melt if not place it more 10 seconds in microwave, set a chocolate a side to cool down at room temperature.
– In a large bowl, whipp the cream at a medium speed until coherent (don’t over mix ) it will be less thicken than the cool whipped cream.
– Into the chocolate add 2 tablespoon of whipped cream mix to combine, add the chocolate gradually to the cream mix with a spatula until all well combined, add 4 to 5 table spoon of the strawberries sauce i add also the fruit to my mousse mix it with the cream you can just give it a quick mix and get a wavy white chocolate mosse with strawberries sauce.
– In a serving cups add into the bottom about 1 tablespoon of strawberry sauce then fill the cups with mousse.
– Chill at least 2 hours, then decorate with strawberry and pistachio.

Watch Full Video recipe here:

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Hello! I’m Inji

a professional food photographer, youtuber, and baker. I’m dedicated to bringing you sweet, simple,and from-scratch dessert recipes. Look around for easy recipes, videos and food photos.