Homemade Creamy Mango Popsicles

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Mango is my favourit fruit ever and i think why not make an easy ice cream from this tasty fruit?
These popsicles need only 2 ingredients to make and it is so refreshing creamy mango taste, my kids love the homemade ice cream and popsicles and i try my best to make them enjoy in this summer.

This summer we have a very hot wheather in Belgium and it said is the hotest summer from the 80’s. I tried my best to make a refreshing healthy recipes for my family, and today morning i deside to make mango popsicles and it is so easy to make and takes 5 hours to enjoy them, so this afternoon they were ready to eat and we enjoyed it so much.

Mango popsicles are not avalible at all stores i always searching for mango ice cream flavour and barely i find it in a large supermarket so i learn to make my own at home and it is avaliblein any time of the year :))

Homemade Creamy Mango Popsicles

Prep time: 5 mins
Freezing time: 5 hours
Yield: 4 popsicles

1 cup fresh mango fruit or freez mango
3/4 cup (200 ml) half half cream
Sugar as it needs (optional)

The way:
In a blender place mango and cream (add sugar if the mango not sweet enough)
Blend for a minute.
Pour the creamy mango mixture in popsicle molds.
Freeze at least 5 hours or overnight.
Tips for serving: Place each popsicle mold in a cup of warm water for 10 seconds (To separate the popsicle easily from the mold). Serve immediately.

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Hello! I’m Inji

a professional food photographer, youtuber, and baker. I’m dedicated to bringing you sweet, simple,and from-scratch dessert recipes. Look around for easy recipes, videos and food photos.