Easy Veggie Pasta

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I’m trying stay healthy these days and cook simple veggie meals to enjoy, so today i have a delicious veggie pasta recipe so quick and easy to make for you, i made it with my favorite vegetables, you can make it with yours of course and my sauce was a little bit chilly and yummy, but if you don’t like a chilli flavour or if you cook it to your kids add instead bell pepper. I’m trying to turn a vegetarian, it is a little difficult for me to quit eating meat but as i said i’m trying 😉

Video Recipe here:

Easy Veggie Pasta 

Prep time: 5 mins
Cooking time: 25 mins
Serving: 4 persons


400g penne pasta
1 tbsp salt
1 medium eggplant
1 medium carrot
1 medium zucchini
1 medium Cayenne pepper
1 small onion
1 cup mushroom

For sauce:

1 cup pasta sauce
1 1/4 cup hot water
1 Tbsp oregano
1 tsp paprika
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 stick Fresh rosemary
1 1/2 tsp salt

1/4 cup parmesan cheese

The way:

 In a hot water place pasta, season with salt and cook the penne pasta for 7 minutes or until well cooked.
 To prepare the sauce cut eggplant, zucchini in to large dice, cut mushrooms into slices, and cut carrot,onion and cayenne pepper into small pieces.
 In a large pan place on high heat, grease with olive oil and add the vegetable cook for 2 minutes and vegetables wither,add pasta sauce, water and season with oregano, paprika, garlic powder, black pepper and rosemary. Reduce heat to medium and cook for 20 minutes until sauce thickens and vegetables well cook.
 Filter pasta from water, add sauce mix to combine, add the parmesan cheese and give it a quick mix.
Serve it warm.

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Hello! I’m Inji

a professional food photographer, youtuber, and baker. I’m dedicated to bringing you sweet, simple,and from-scratch dessert recipes. Look around for easy recipes, videos and food photos.