prep time: 15 minutes
Baking time: 10 minutes
Yield: 8 waffles
2 eggs
1 tablespoon sugar
1 tablespoon pearl sugar (replace with normal sugar)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract or any type
pinch of salt
50 grams melted butter
1 cup milk
2 cups all purpose flour
1 tablespoon baking powder
for chocolate ganach:
20 grams dark chocolate
1 tablespoon butter
The way:
– In a large bowl, add eggs,vanilla, pinch of salt and sugar (if you don’t have the pearl sugar at this stage add 2 tablespoon of sugar).
– Whisk eggs until sugar until dissolves, add milk and melted butter( make sure all ingredients in a room temperature otherwise the butter will crumble in a cold liquid) give the mixture a quick mix.
– Add sifted flour with baking powder, whisk all together until you have thick and sticky dough. Add pearl sugar and give it a stir with spatula just to combined.
-Spray a waffle maker with baking spray and use an ice cream spoon to spoon the waffle, add two spoon and bake until your waffle maker give you a green light or for 1 minutes until golden brown. Repeat.
– For Chocolate ganache:
– In a small bowl break the chocolate into medium or small pieces, add the butter. Place it in microwave for 1 minute until melted.
– Stir all together until you have a smooth chocolate ganache.
Decorate your waffle with chocolate and whipped cream or as desire.