Orange Cupcakes

Inji Avatar

Prep Time : 15 mins
Baking time: 25 mins


1 3/4 all purpose flour
1 Tbsp baking powder
pinch of salt
2 Large Eggs, at room temperature
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 cup sugar
1 Tbsp finely grated orange zest
3/4 Cup orange juice
1/2 Cup  vegetebale oil


– In a bowl whisk the eggs with sugar until the sugar dissolve, then add the orange zest and orange juice give it a quick whisk then add the oil and another quick whisk .
– Seft the flour, add it into the liquid mixture in two phases,  first 1 cup of flour with the baking powder and whisk till you get a smooth mixture, then add the remain 3/4 flour to the mixture and whisk untill you have a smooth cake mixture.
– Fill 3/4 of the cupcake molds with the cake mixture.
– In a preheated oven 180°C bake the cupcakes for 25 minutes .
– Serve it with tea or coffee.

Bon appetit

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Inji Avatar

5 responses to “Orange Cupcakes”

  1. Unknown Avatar

    how many cupcakes will this mixture make?

  2. Vanita Avatar

    Made these about 20 cupcakes, tasted yum n kids liked it. Only prob was the orange wasn't so sweet so sugar was bit less but overall tasted superb

  3. Unknown Avatar

    Hola con esta mezcla se puede hacer un bizcocho?

  4. Unknown Avatar

    Can we please get the recipe by gram thank you

  5. Unknown Avatar

    Hi, do you have the recipe in grams or ml? I am not sure about the cup measurement :/

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Hello! I’m Inji

a professional food photographer, youtuber, and baker. I’m dedicated to bringing you sweet, simple,and from-scratch dessert recipes. Look around for easy recipes, videos and food photos.